
水晶盲盒斗罗大陆案 翻译成 Are you able to take part in my birthday party? 你的采纳,我的动力 希望我能继续帮助你。

鲨鱼恶霸是谁1b Listen. Were your answers to activity 1a correct? 听录音,你在活动1a中的案正确吗? 听力原文 A:I think I'm going to wear jeans to the patty. 我想穿牛仔裤去 参加 晚会

腹黑老公叶简汐琦书屋案 Hello, everybody,welcome to our English evening! Today is special one and we are so honor to get together! Before our starting ,please allow to to talk about something.

安卓回复微信聊天记录你好!我 想要 参加 这次活动 i want to take part in the event

img标签src为本地图片注意, 参加 是 JOIN

孙思恒这个名字能打多少分案 Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Yimen! It's my great honor to have this chance to speak here! First, let me introduce the activities which we will have together.Body.

日本东京奥运会安检Would you like to take part in my birthday party?Do you want to come to my birthday party?有不明白的地方再哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

搞定了 12年福田490箱货birthday party invitation a: melissa? i'd like to invite you to my wife's birthday party. b: thanks, frank. i'd love to come. when is it? a: her birthday is on the 9th. we're going

吃咸食影响智商案 准确案应该是Thanks for asking me to (go to the concert).对于说话人“我”来说,应该是“去参加音乐会”,而不是“ 来参加 音乐会”,所以用go不用come.如果你满


笔记本设置wifi 软件案 Invitation Dear xx,Next Friday, September the fifth, is Lily's birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of her friends here to help her celebrate. Will you come? We'll

住宅开盘话术明 下面就请你为学生会写一则海报。students wanted for the new year party 40左

这个节怎么打案 students wanted for the new year partyLadies and Gentlemen, the new year is come,We Students' Union plan to recruit some Students who have the Ability to act floor show。

斜用这个字来组词明 一些 英语 朋友咬 参加 你们班举办的 英语 晚会 ,假设你是主持人,请你用 英语 准

国家图书馆附近美食明 Thanks for asking me to () () () ().



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